To enhance my comprehensive understanding of diverse subjects over the course of my professional journey, I have undertaken the creation, design, and implementation of a range of projects. Presented here are select examples, offering insights into the valuable lessons garnered from these endeavors.

Wayne Williams Geographic Profile
In my examination of the Wayne Williams serial murder case, I utilized Microsoft Excel as my primary tool to construct a geographical profile. The methodology encompassed a meticulous process of gathering data on abduction and body recovery locations, which was then systematically entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Leveraging the power of Excel's formulas, I executed distance calculations, conducted spatial analyses, and derived pertinent statistical measures. By creating scatter plots and charts within Excel, I visualized the geographical distribution of the events, aiming to identify discernible patterns or clusters. The application of mathematical models facilitated the identification of potential hotspots, offering insights into offender behavior and movement patterns. While Excel was effective for initial data organization and basic analysis, I do also recognize that specialized Geographic Information System (GIS) software could have provided more advanced capabilities for a comprehensive analysis. As a college student without access to such software, I had to develop and employ my own methodologies to derive meaningful insights from the available data. This was my contribution to a symposium that would earn an invitation to CrimeCon in Orlando, Florida.
Home Lab Server
This project created a base for many future projects. First I acquired a Dell server rack, and had to learn how it worked. Then I installed the bare-metal hypervisor ESXi from VMware. I quickly learned how to set up different VMs and how to network the system properly, both physically and through virtual networking. I added several OS that I wanted to be familiar with, including Ubuntu, CentOS, and the open source security platform Security Onion. Wanting to be able to securely access the system outside my home network, I created a VPN which also required me to create a subnet router through which the server could communicate through. I established a SSH connection with the subnet router, allowing a secure method of operation remotely from any device with a browser.

Mobile Command Center
I was commissioned by a local police department to develop a secure communication system linking their mobile command center, hostage negotiation vehicle, and SWAT vehicles, focusing on a method that would prevent any outside source from intercepting the communication. By design, the system was able to be deployed rapidly, without additional efforts. The successful implementation prompted the department to expand the system to additional vehicles, affirming its crucial role in fortifying communication channels and enabling centralized incident command management
Security Onion
Coming Soon